07 September 2012

If there’s a will, there’s a way-to make a will ::Business Line

Although aware of its importance not many in India make a will where as doing so is not at all difficult, says a new book.
Lawyer VK Verma in his book, “Making a will made easy” published by Macmillan Publishers cautions that laws do not consider the emotional or financial circumstances of an individual’s heirs in case the individual dies without a will.
“When an individual dies intestate (without a will), the legal system which controls the distribution of an individual’s property, does not take into account the needs of individuals in their particular circumstances” Verma says.
He adds, “The hard fact is Indians refrain to accept that few things pertaining to their death need to be planned in advance.”
“Making a will made easy” is a self help book written in layman’s language to assure that people who require any assistance in this direction do not require to rush to the chambers and respective offices of legal experts for small clarifications and eradication of confusions.


“Though execution of Will has no rigid requirements yet the statistics show that three out of four people die without a will because they can’t bring themselves to think about their death,” says Verma.
During his practice as a lawyer for more than four decades the author says he noted the deficiency relating to interpretation of succession laws in India.
“The purpose of converting the original guide into this compact book is to help the common man gain clarity in dealing with the estate in his hands and discharging his social and legal obligations effectively.” he says.
Explaining the importance of will the author says, “Will is a legal document which directs transfer of property of an individual to his future generations affects human relationships and not just money. Therefore, it is of great significance in Law as well as our social set up.”
“Laws of inheritance are diverse and complicated and courts are often confronted with such problems to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of parties. Hence every individual should have proper knowledge before making a will to avoid any conflicts in future.” says Verma.
The book deals with different stages of people making the will, highlighting the role of executor, legal beneficiary and the importance of will. There are twelve chapters in the book dealing with instructions with regard to the methods and rules for executing a will.
The self help book explains the step by step procedure of making a will that an individual should follow right from what all he or she should know before making a will, the effect of dying without execution of will, how to choose beneficiaries, duties of an executor of a will, legal requirements to make a will, the right of an individual to change a will or revoke it altogether and make a fresh will anytime and much more.
The author has also made a mention of popular case of former Govt Scientist Balram Nigam’s Case who had gifted his property to Supreme Court in his will because of being allegedly harassed by family over property.
“Will gives freedom to an individual to regulate the distribution of his property as per his own will without any pressure by anyone. When law has given such provision, why not make use of it?” said Verma.

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