25 August 2011

Adani Power- Fuel concerns prompt a downgrade:: JPMorgan,

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Looming fuel shortage and growing leverage raises our concern that Adani
is  growing  beyond  what  cheap  fuel  sources  can  support.  Merchant
assumptions are  reducing as acceptability of supernormal profit is falling.
We believe a premium P/B due to  superior RoE does not hold any more.
We still like the execution and growth, but downgrade to Neutral with new
PT of Rs90
 Adani has delivered on execution and funding tie-ups, justifying our
preference  for  the  stock, which  has  also  been  a  relative  outperformer
(in a sector that has seen severe value erosion). However, recent events
around  Indonesian  coal  imports  and  June-quarter  performance  expose
Adani’s potential vulnerability.
 The  Indonesian  government  has  come  out  strongly  against  belowmarket  export  of  coal,  even  to  affiliated  companies. Adani
management  is  confident  that  the  burden  would  be  borne  by  Adani
Enterprises,  but  we  think  there  is  a  material  risk  that  the  burden  is
shared.  Our  imported  coal  prices  go  up  by  $12/ton,  eating  into  the
bottomline.  Adani’s  PPAs  have  fixed  tariffs  and  offer  no  protection.
There is an attempt to  renegotiate one  of these, Mundra-3: however, in
our  view,  given  that  the  government  is  aware  of  the  above-average
return  on  the  merchant  portion  that  Adani  could  potentially  earn,  a
renegotiation may be difficult to digest.
 Imported  coal  is  tied  up  for  ~3GW  only,  and  Adani’s  dependence
upon  scarce domestic coal is  set  to rise, as its MWs continue to grow
at scorching pace. Peers are already facing issues of idle / under-utilised
capacity and debt servicing due to fuel constraints. We reduce PLFs for
projects that are  partly dependent upon linkage coal, to 75-85% and for
100% linkage  projects to  <75%.  Potential  captive  coal  mine  allocation
for Tiroda is a long-term  positive but incapable  of providing  near-term
respite, in our view.
 Our estimates for Adani take a haircut of  7/33/22% for FY12/13/14,
with lower PLF, merchant realizations  and  higher  fuel cost. With a
lower sustainable RoE of 15-22%, coupled with high leverage of 3.7x as
of FY11, we think the case  for Adani to trade at 3x P/B has weakened.
We  reduce  to  Neutral  with  a  revised  PT  of  Rs90.  Further  drop  in
merchant realizations and implementation delays are key downside risks
to our PT, while lower-than-expected fuel import bill is an upside risk.

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