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Reliance Industries – 3QFY2011 Result Update
Angel Broking maintains a Buy on Reliance Industries with a Target Price of Rs. 1,160.
RIL reported 28.1% yoy growth in bottom-line on account of higher refining
and petchem margins. On a sequential basis, PAT grew by a mere 4.3% on
account of the dip in natural gas output from KG-D6 and lower refining
volumes. However, the numbers were below our expectations on the top-line
and bottom-line fronts on account of the lower-than-expected refining
margins and we had not taken into consideration the lower refining volumes
on account of the refinery shutdown. We maintain a Buy on the stock.
Earnings post sequential as well as yoy growth: Top-line increased by 5.2% yoy to
`59,789cr (`56,856cr) primarily on the back of the 9.4% yoy growth in refining
revenues to `52,5242cr (`48,00cr) and 8.2% yoy increase in petchem revenues
to `15,962cr (`14,756cr). Despite planned shut down of one train of the crude
distillation unit for 22 days during the quarter, the refining segment reported
growth due to higher product prices. Crude oil processed during the quarter was
lower by 3% yoy to 16.1mn tonnes (16.6mn tonnes). KG-D6 gas production fell
qoq with average production at 54.5mmscmd (58.5mmscmd). Operating profit
grew 21.7% yoy to `9,545cr (`7,844cr), which was 6.9% lower than our estimate
on account of the lower-than-expected refining throughput and refining margins.
Outlook and Valuation: Upside in the upstream business has increased on the
back of the newer ventures and initiatives by RIL. Timely ramp up in the producing
fields is expected to improve investor sentiment and aid them factor in other
prospective basins also. Nonetheless, the macro headwinds would persist owing
to which we expect the refining and petchem margins to stabilise around current
levels. We maintain a Buy on RIL, with a SOTP-based Target Price of `1,160.
Top-line below estimates on lower-than-expected Refining volumes: RIL's top-line
was below our estimates on account of lower-than-expected refining volumes as
we had not considered the refinery shut down for 22 days during the quarter.
Top-line increased by 5.2% yoy to `59,789cr (`56,856cr) primarily on the back of
the 9.4% yoy growth in refining revenues to `52,5242cr (`48,000cr) and 8.2%
yoy increase in petchem revenues to `15,962cr (`14,756cr). Despite planned shut
down of one train of the crude distillation unit for 22 days during the quarter, the
refining segment reported growth due to higher product prices. The petrochemical
segment registered 8.2% yoy increase in top-line driven by higher polymer and
polyester prices. Crude oil processed during the quarter was lower by 3% yoy to
16.1mn tonnes (16.6mn tonnes). KG-D6 gas production fell qoq with average
production at 54.5mmscmd (58.5mmscmd).
Higher refining and petchem margins leads to improvement in OPM yoy:
During the quarter, RIL reported GRMs of US $9/bbl (US $5.9/bbl), marginally
lower than our expectation of US $9.3/bbl. Benchmark complex Singapore
margins, during the quarter, stood at around US $5.5/bbl. Thus, RIL managed to
earn a spread of US $3.5/bbl. On the petchem side, it was the best-ever quarter
for the company. Petrochemical EBIT margins improved by 66bp qoq to 15.2%
(14.6% in 2QFY2011) during 3QFY2011 due to higher polymer and polyester
margins owing to tighter cotton market. The oil and gas segment's EBIT margin
declined by 584bp yoy and 365bp qoq to 36% (39.6% in 2QFY2011) due to
higher proportion of KG-D6 production compared to production from the PMT
field. As a result, overall OPM expanded by 217bp yoy 16% (13.8%). Operating
profit grew by 21.7% yoy to `9,545cr (`7,844cr). However, margins stood lower
on qoq basis by 38bp due to lower capacity utilisation of the refinery and dip in
production of natural gas at the KG basin.
Depreciation, other income increase: Depreciation during the quarter increased
20.2% yoy primarily on account of higher depletion charge in the oil & gas
segment and increased depreciation in the refining business. Interest expenditure
stood flat both on qoq and yoy basis. Other income increased by 45.9% yoy to
`741cr (`508cr) and 10.3% qoq on account of higher cash balance.
PAT grew 28.1%: PAT grew 28.1% yoy to `5,136cr (`4,008cr), which was below
our expectation of `5,535cr. The deviation was mainly on account of the lowerthan-
expected refining volumes and margins.
Segment-wise performance
Refining and marketing (R&M): During the quarter, crude processing stood at
16.1mn tonnes (16.6mn tonnes), down 3% yoy, with the refinery reporting capacity
utilisation of 104%. Crude processing was lower on account of the planned shut
down of one train of the crude distillation unit for 22 days during the quarter.
Despite the lower crude throughput, higher petroleum product prices led to 9.4%
yoy increase in R&M revenues to `52,524cr (`48,000cr). On the margins front, RIL
reported GRMs of US $9/bbl (US $5.9/bbl) as against our expectation of
US $9.3/bbl. Thus, refining margins were marginally lower than our expectations.
Singapore margins during the quarter averaged at US $5.5/bbl. Thus, RIL
managed to earn a spread of US $3.5/bbl over the same. Improvement in the
refining margins could be traced to improved product spread of middle distillates
on account of cold weather in the US and higher Chinese demand for diesel.
Moreover, the increase in heavy-light crude oil spread by US $1/bbl (primarily due
to weak fuel oil cracks and higher demand for lighter products resulting in higher
demand for lighter crude) also increased refining margins during the quarter.
Refined product exports stood at 28.4MMT (US $20.1bn) in 9MFY2011 as against
23.6MMT (US $14.3bn) in 9MFY2010 on incremental export volumes from the
SEZ refinery.
Petrochemicals: The petrochemical segment revenues grew 8.2% yoy to `15,962cr
(`14,756cr) due to higher polymer and polyester prices yoy. Blended product
deltas were higher on yoy as well as qoq basis on account of strength in PP and
polyester margins. Polymer margins were higher on account of higher Asian
demand, and the polyester cracks were higher due to tighter cotton market. EBIT
margins of the segment increased by 66bp qoq to 15.2% (14.6%). PP delta, which
stood at US $94/MT during 2QFY2011, surged to US $239/MT during the quarter
on account of strong demand growth and stable propylene prices lending a boost
to petchem margins. However, margins were flat in the HDPE-naphtha segment at
US $485/MT v/s US $485/MT during 2QFY2011 and PVC-EDC segment were
also stable, with a margin of US $395/MT as against US $410/MT in 2QFY2011,
as increase in EDC price tracked that of PDC.
Oil & Gas: Oil and Gas EBIT registered qoq de-growth of 11.8% to `1,504cr
(`1,706cr) on account of slower ramp up in KG basin and oil production. The gas
production at KG basin was lower due to reservoir pressure constraints in the
fields. RIL’s KG-D6 gas production during the quarter averaged at 54.5mmscmd
as against 58.5mmscmd in 2QFY2011. Crude oil production from the KG basin
decreased to 19,400bpd from ~22,229bpd in 2QFY2011. After the shut down in
the previous quarter, PMT resumed production during the quarter. Thus, owing to
lower production from KG-D6, EBIT margins of the segment declined by 365bp
qoq to 36% (39.6%).
Investment Arguments
Ramp up in KG-D6 could allay many concerns over valuation: RIL is still producing
natural gas below its potential 80mmscmd due to constraints over reservoir
pressure. However, we are confident about RIL ramping up its production in the
coming quarters. The upstream segment still has significant upside in store,
considering huge untapped resources. Timely ramp up in the producing fields
would improve investor sentiment and aid them factor in other prospective basins
also. We expect KG-D6 to ramp up to its full potential during FY2013.
Core business margins to stabilise: We expect refining and petchem margins to
stabilise at current levels. The recent spurt was consequent to higher demand from
the emerging economies and stimulus led recovery in the OECD economies.
Going forward, we expect margins to stabilise due to tightening of emerging
economies and high spare capacity to meet incremental demand.
Newer ventures could be a long-term catalyst: RIL has been actively eyeing
inorganic routes for diversifying its asset portfolio by entering into newer ventures.
Significant cash pile and treasury stocks could see RIL venturing into on more
inorganic routes for growth and prove to be an upside trigger for the stock. Out of
all the company’s recent initiatives, we find the shale gas venture the most
promising one on account of the in-place reserves of ~12TCF.
Outlook and Valuation
We believe that the macro headwinds will continue to surround refining and
petchem business and any incremental demand will be absorbed by surplus
capacities globally. Thus, we expect RIL’s refining and petchem margins to stabilise
around current levels.
A significant cash pile and treasury stocks could see RIL venturing into more
inorganic avenues, which could provide upside triggers for the stock. We believe
that RIL has already made significant investments in new businesses like shale gas
and telecom, and is likely to crystallise its plans to foray into other segments. Thus,
this could address the cash redeployment concerns to a large extent. Moreover, the
proposed plans to increase capacity of the petrochemical segment and addition of
the coker in the refining segment are likely to further consolidate the company’s
position in its existing businesses.
Timely ramp up in the producing fields would improve investor confidence and aid
them factor other prospective basins also. The high potential exploratory fields
would provide further visibility once the DGH approvals are in place. Valuations
would receive further boost on any improvement in the distillate and polymer
cracks consequent to recovery in global demand.
We maintain a Buy on RIL, with a SOTP-based Target Price of `1, 160,
translating into an upside of 17.6% from current levels.
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