07 December 2010

Fortnightly round up of key banking and economic indicators:: Emkay

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Fortnightly round up of key banking and economic indicators

n     The growth in non food credit has moved up to 22.8% for the week ended Nov. 19, 2010 and deposit mobilisation inched up to 16.4%
n     The CD ratio has remained relatively unchanged and stood at 73.4% for the week ended Nov. 19, 2010
n     Money supply growth has moved up to 16.9% and the money multiplier inched upwards to 4.93
n     Call money rates as on Dec. 06, 2010 have shed 60bps from last fortnight to 6.3%
n     The spread between call money and reverse repo rates has narrowed as on Dec. 06, 2010 and stands at 109 bps
n     Excess liquidity is absent in the system and stood at `-549.2 bn.  The repo balances stood at ~ `933.8 bn. and reverse repo at ~ `19.1 bn. for the week ended Nov. 19, 2010
n     The spread between the long and short end OIS has increased and stand at 32bps as opposed to 20 bps last fortnight

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