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Cement Sector |
Top 5 players report dispatches decline of 3.2% yoy |
n Unseasonal rains, labor shortage due to festive season impact dispatches in November. Top 5 players report aggregate dispatch decline of 3.2%
n Cement prices see some softness across regions - cuts of Rs 2-10/bag; across North, central & south. Dealers expect prices to remain sluggish till mid December owing to poor demand
n Demand growth remains key to sustain prices hikes taken in October. Seasonal logistical bottlenecks (wagons supply to food grains & crop) could provide some support to prices
n Remain NEUTRAL on sector, positive on ACC, Grasim & Shree, negative on Ultratech, India Cement & Madras Cement
Top 5 players report aggregate dispatches decline of 3.2% yoy
Cement companies posted muted dispatches for the month of Nov 2010 with top 5
cement producers registering aggregate dispatches decline of 3.2% yoy. Cement
offtake got impacted due to:
n No significant pick up in infra projects
n Un-seasonal rains (impact of 3-5 days across country)
n Diwali which occurred in November this year as compared to October last year
(usually leads to some slowdown in construction activity for 4-5 days)
n Labor shortage on account of harvesting & festive season
ACC dispatches up 4.8% yoy: ACC with 1.74 mnt dispatches registered a growth of 4.8%
yoy (9.4% MoM decline. However on YTD basis ACC dispatches declined by 1.1% yoy.
Ambuja Cements dispatches decline 8.4% yoy :On account of strike by freight operators
at its Himachal Plant (Rauri & Suli) Ambuja Cement reported a decline of 8.4% in
dispatches. Its YTD growth still is healthy at 7.1%yoy.
Ultratech volumes decline 9.2% yoy: Ultratech reported volumes of 2.66mnt, a decline of
9.2%yoy. Volumes declined 22.2% MoM .
Jaypee registers growth of 13.2% - slowest growth YTD : Impacted by unseasonable
monsoons in the northern & western region Japyee registered dispatches growth of just
13.2%, which is the slowest growth the company has registered during ytd FY11 (October
FY11 ytd growth at 63%).
Shree posts decline of 7.7% in cement dispatches: Shree cement also disappointed with
its cement dispatches declining by 7.7% for the month.
We spoke to cement dealers across India and these are the key takeaways:
Northern Region
n Demand continues to be weak on account of lack of projects post the common wealth
games activities.
n Prices in New Delhi (constitutes 15% of northern region consumption) have been cut by
Rs10-15 per bag in the last one month. This comes after the price hike which was
announced in October clearly highlighting that demand scenario is yet to pick up so as to
be able to sustain these levels of cement prices.
n Chandigarh and Punjab which also constitute around 15% of northern cement
consumption have seen subdued demand in the month of November. As a result of
which prices have remained at the same levels and any further rounds of price hikes
seem to be ruled out.
n Rajasthan, which has the maximum capacity in the northern region experienced price
pressures as demand continues to lag. Dealers in this region are skeptical about
sustainability of even the current price levels as overcapacity and lower demand
scenario is expected to continue till December.
n Overall, prices in the northern region were under pressure on account of subdued
demand as construction activity was hampered due to spoilers like monsoon and festive
Southern Region
n Demand weakened by monsoons
n Price cuts of Rs10-15 per bag seen across the region. Chennai prices declined to Rs
250-255 levels from their October prices of Rs270/bag
n Tamil Nadu dealers indicated that consumption in the month of November have declined
m-o-m by almost 40%
n Sluggishness expected in prices as monsoons continue to dampen the demand scenario
Central Region
n Prices have declined by Rs5-10/bag this month
n Demand continues to be low as construction activity is subdued due to labor shortage
(on account of harvesting season)
n Sharp discounts by a few cement producers putting pressure on premium brand’s pricing
(like ACC), as they are trading at a 12-16% premium
n Dealers expect sluggishness in prices till mid December, 2010
Eastern Region
n Price cuts of Rs2-5 seen in Kolkata.
n Labor constraints affected the construction activity thereby affecting demand
n Supply from southern region at lower rates exerting pressure on prices in eastern region
n Sluggishness in prices expected till Dec 2010 post which demand supply scenario in this
region could improve.
Western Region
n Prices in Maharashtra and Gujarat remain more or less at the same levels as October.
n Dealers indicate that lower demand might not support any further price hikes.
Outlook- demand growth remains key to sustain cement prices
The current scenario points towards poor demand continuing till mid December and thereby
exerting some pressure on cement prices. Though seasonal logistical bottlenecks (like
additional wagons supply to food grains & crop harvest during next 3-4 months) will provide
some support to cement prices, we believe that sharp pick up in demand growth remains
key to sustain cement prices.
We remain NEUTRAL on the sector. We remain positive on ACC, Grasim & Shree.
ACC: Stock trades USD 110 for its CY11 capacity, valuations though not cheap on absolute
basis, are comparatively attractive (~15% discount to Ambuja Cement). Moreover, we
expect ACC to deliver CY11E RoCE of ~25% (close to 1.5X cost of capital).
Grasim : Strong VSF demand to fuel earnings growth, valuation remain attractive - stock
trades at 40% discount for its holding in Ultratech Cement.
Shree Cement : Current valuation at 4.8x EV/EBITDA and EV/Ton of USD 91, ex value of
power, remain attractive.
Maintain negative stance on India cements and Madras Cement
India cement: Stock is trading at PER 18.8x, EV/EBIDTA of 8.1X and EV/ton of USD75 for
its FY12E numbers. These valuations leave little upside considering that ICL’S FY12 RoCE
at 6.3% is barely half the cost of capital)
Madras cement: Stock trading at 9.8X and EV/ton of USD88 on FY12 numbers leaves
limited upside for the stock. Further estimated FY12 RoCE of 10.9%, is still below the cost
of capital)
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