19 November 2010

Indian Telecom (summary of CAG report) Motilal Oswal

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Indian Telecom (summary of CAG report)

The report findings indicate that there were gaps in policy implementation by DoT in issuing licences, DoT did not consult the High Powered Telecom Commission at the time of grant of 122 UAS licences in 2008 and overruled/ignored the advice/suggestions/views/concerns of Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Law and Justice and the Hon’ble Prime Minister.

- To assess the presumptive value of spectrum allocated to 122 new UAS licencees and 35 Dual Technology licencees in FY08, CAG has used three benchmarks: 1) Offer made by S Tel for a pan-India licence, 2) 3G spectrum value as determined in the auction undertaken in 2010, and 3) valuation at which capital was infused into the new licencees.

- Based on these, the presumptive loss for the exchequer from licences issued to new licencees is estimated at Rs332-102b, loss from issue of spectrum to dual technology players is estimated at Rs124-371b and loss from issued of spectrum (beyond contracted quantity of 6.2MHz) to GSM incumbents is estimated at Rs120-370b. The higher end of the range is based on 3G auction prices while the calculations based on other benchmarks point towards the lower end range.

- The CAG has found deficiencies in the applications of 85/122 licencees issued licences in 2008. These include all 22 licences of Uninor, 21 licences of Loop Telecom (except Mumbai where it has incumbent operations), 2 licences of Allianz Infratech (now merged with Etisalat DB), 21 licences of Datacom (Videocon), 6 licences of S Tel, and 13 licences of Swan Telecom (now Etisalat DB).

CAG has also found a violation of rules in equity structure of Swan Telecom as Reliance Telecom (GSM subsidiary of Reliance Comm) had more than the maximum 10% stake in the company.

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