01 August 2011

Jagran Prakashan- 1Q FY12: Tepid ad revenue growth and disappointing margins; cut PT to Rs135, maintain Neutral ::JPMorgan

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Jagran Prakashan Ltd.
1Q FY12: Tepid ad revenue growth and disappointing
margins; cut PT to Rs135, maintain Neutral

 Ad growth guidance cut: JAGP reported ad growth of 7.7% YoY in 1Q vs.
19.7%  growth  in  4Q. Tepid  ad  growth  was  on  account  of  poor  volumes
from national advertisers, a slowdown in the education sector, and JAGP’s
decision  to  hold  onto  ad  rates  despite  discounts  offered  by competitors.
Management  cut  FY12 ad  growth  guidance  to  14%-15%  from 17%-18%
announced in 4Q. Advertising revenues are expected to pick up towards 2H
FY12, driven by UP state elections slated for 4Q FY12.
 Synergies  from Mid Day  to  ramp  up  over  the  year: Integration  of Mid
Day  is  on  track  and  Mid  Day’s  systems  are  being  migrated  to  JAGP.
Management  sees  upsides  to  margins  and  ramp  up  of  Mid  Day  revenues
over the course of the year as the integration process is completed. We have
factored Mid Day into our estimates – we expect Mid Day to contribute 8%
to FY12E consolidated revenues and 4% to FY12E consolidated earnings.
 Extent  of  newsprint  cost increase  surprising: Newsprint  costs increased
by  30%  YoY  in  1Q,  8%  on  account  of  increase  in  circulation,  and  the
remainder due to  pricing. We  are  surprised  by the  extent  of the  price  rise,
which greater than that of peers. Management indicated that the sharp price
increase was due to higher composition  of imported  newsprint  (priced at a
premium)  given  the  shortage  of  domestic  newsprint. Going  forward,
newsprint costs should normalize as the proportion of imports is reduced.
 1Q FY12 results summary: 1Q revenues increased 12% YoY driven by ad
revenues (+7.7%  YoY),  circulation  revenues  (+5.2%  YoY), and  event/
outdoor  revenues  (+80.3%  YoY).  EBITDA  margins  declined  650bp to
27.5% YoY on account  of higher newsprint costs. Net  profit declined 11%
YoY to Rs497MM.
 Reduce estimates and price target: We cut our FY12/FY13 EPS estimates
by  3%/10%  on  account  of  slower-than-expected  ad  growth  and  higher
newsprint  costs.  We  remain  Neutral with  a  reduced Mar-12  PT of  Rs135
(down from Rs140 earlier), based on 18x FY13E P/E.

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