03 August 2011

Dr Reddy's Laboratories – Zyprexa - DRL ties up with Teva:: RBS

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Dr Reddys (DRL) has tied up with Teva to market its gZyprexa 20mg exclusivity to protect market
share loss due to a possible AG launch. Teva would now market all strengths but ensure that
DRL doesn't lose out on its upside. This accounts for 20% of FY12F PAT forecasts, already
factored in, in our view.

􀀟 Teva (TEVA US) in its 2Q concall yesterday stated that they have entered an agreement on
olanzapine (generic (g) zyprexa) with DRL. To recap, Teva has 'FTF' (first-to-file) rights on all
strengths except for 20mg for which DRL is the FTF.
􀀟 This we believe is most likely to address the possibility of losing market share to a potential
Authorised Generic (AG) generic. Lilly (which owns branded zyprexa) said on a call on
26.7.2011 that they had not decided on an AG but did not rule out such a possibility.
􀀟 We believe Teva would now market all strength of olanzapine (generic zyprexa) as it has a
superior distribution network and thus would lead to better market share. We believe that the
deal is structured in a such a manner that DRL gets a share on total profits (i.e. on all
strengths) which would be equal to the profit it might have made on selling 20mg alone -
based on mutually agreed upon assumptions.
􀀟 CY10 sales of Zyprexa were US$ 2.5bn (of which 20mg was US$ 950m).
􀀟 Our current forecasts factor in revenue upside of Rs5.1bn (based on 40% price erosion and
40% market share) and earnings upside of Rs2.75bn (based on 67% margin and 20% tax
rate) from this product for DRL.
􀀟 We highlight that while these contribution are factored in as one-offs in our financial
estimates, it would have significant contribution on reported financials - it represents 5% and
20% of our FY12F revenues and PAT respectively.

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